Portal (action container) :: expert :: EN
Kurse / Business Intelligence

Portal (action container) :: expert :: EN

With the "Portal (action container) :: expert" course, you will receive expert know-how for using the "action container" portlet type, which will help you to design processes in the portal as efficiently as possible and to automate the various portal processes and sequences. Other portlets are often used in combination with the "action container" portlet type, which you will also get to know and learn to use in this course.


Course content

> Create and use portlet types in the portal

  • Decision container (configure decisions depending on action and process)

  • Query portlet (configuration of queries based on incoming data)

  • Application PIDO (data processing directly via/in the PIDO)

  • Action container (automatic execution of multiple PIDOs/portlets in a row)


> Action container in the portal (application in the portal)

> Best practice and helpful tips for use

> Practical examples

  • Interactive development of module-related case studies for production data collection, detailed planning and personnel time recording

Target group:

People who have already gained advanced experience with the creation of PIDO evaluations and want to acquire advanced user knowledge at expert level for the BI tool "Portal".



All of the following courses:

• "PIDO :: basic"

• "Portal :: basic"

• "PIDO :: advanced"

or comparable advanced knowledge

Für diesen Kurs ist derzeit keine Beschreibung verfügbar


  • Kursmodul Access tests BEFORE the course :: Test your access to the online demo system
    • Step by step test introduction